Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm going to Disney World

Ok, so I didn't win the Super Bowl, but I won something quite close and to celebrate I'm going to Disney World...or at least Disney Land. My teammates and I won the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) 2008 Student Design Project Competition, Architectural Design. Now mind you, we didn't enter to win, because we expected some Architecture students to show us engineers up. Most engineering students enter one of two other categories that deal with heating and cooling design, so we figured we had a chance. There were only four teams who entered the Architectural Design Section and made it to other words, it looks like the odds were on our side.

Tell them what they've won Bob...

First Place: $1,500 Plus a representative from the team will receive free transportation, two nights lodging and $100 expenses for attendance at the ASHRAE 2009 winter meeting in Chicago, IL where the award will be presented.

Now that's not bad! I suppose one of us can go to Chicago for the meeting!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm moving!

So, in case you didn't know, I am moving on August 1st to Los Angeles. Yes, I don't believe it either! I am flying to LAX on Aug. 1st, renting a car for a month, and settling in at an amazing furnished temporary apartment. I will start my job on August 4th. I am excited to work full time, but this time it feels like serious business! I have worked two internships and experienced full time work, but I feel that much is expected of me this time. Before I was just a student and I could always say, "I don't know." Now I feel like I "should know," though there is much still to learn. Otherwise, why would they hire me? I hope to "settle in" quickly. I have made a few contacts in the west LA area, I know of a few churches to try, and I have been invited to a bible study.

Graduation was on May 18, so you might ask, "what am I doing in the meantime?" A lot of nothing...but staying busy. Basically, I am trying to stay busy. I am packing and organizing my stuff into "Leave at home" "LA later" and "LA now." I spend almost everyday at Signs of Life, and they've actually asked me if I'm taking up residence (There are many like me at Signs). Occasionally I see friends, so it is a great place to hang out. While there I usually read the Word, read books, check my email, look for apartments, and check on things for my move. I go to a lot of "bible studies" and hang out with friends often. Both of my roommates have moved out and the apartment is almost empty, so I spend time out as much as possible.

I would love to hang out with all of you from Lawrence! My schedule is very open, so just let me know when you want to hang out. My computer charger is down, so please call or text.

If you'd like to pray for me, here are a few prayer requests that I'm seeking God for:
  • I would find a church and community
  • I would find the Christian (I hope) roommate that God wants me to have...and quickly
  • God would provide reasonable rent and a car
  • I would have everything I need for my job
  • I would truly learn to give my life and resources away...the last thing I want to do is hoard what I have

Here are some photographs that show what I've been up to this summer.

*Thank you friends for letting me borrow the photos!

Graduation Day with friends from Senior Design

Walking down the hill with two of my favorite ARCE friends

My friend Lisa and I at a Luau night

My friends Megan and Nobu at Encore after church

4th of July at Clinton Lake

4th of July...we watched the fireworks on an air mattress.
We are laying on the mattress looking up at the camera.

My friend Joanna and I after an art reception at Pachamama's

I had a few friends over to make home made sushi

Rolling up and cutting sushi